Monty Python

Matching Tie & Handkerchief

Side A

  1. Sick and Tired
  2. Dead Bishop
  3. Transplant Surgery
  4. Novel Writing (Live from Wessex)
  5. Word Association Football
  6. Bruces
  7. Nothing Happened
  8. Hooping Koff
  9. Cheese Shop
  10. Wasp Club/Book/Tiger Club
  11. Great Actors

Side B

  1. Background to History and Record Shop
  2. Boxing

Side C

  1. Hello Mom
  2. Oscar Wilde's Party
  3. Pet Shop - Cat
  4. The Phone-In

Carved into the vinyl: Nothing

This is a difficult record for me to catalog, since it is a three sided record. Parallel tracks on the second side explain the phenomenon of having three sides. However, the record label only says "Free Record Given Away with the Monty Python Matching Tie and Handkerchief" and then "Side 2" on both sides. In deciding how to label the three tracks, I looked to the serial numbers etched in to the vinyl which delineate an A and a B side. I have no idea as to the proper title of the sketches, which are not listed anywhere on my copy.

Record List