National Lampoon
Radio Dinner
Side One
- Deteriorata
- Phono Phunnies/Teenyrap/It's Obvious
- Catch It and You Keep It/Pigeons/Teenyrap/'Quinas 'n' 'Rasmus/All
Kidding Aside/Phono Phunnies/Teenyrap
- Magical Misery Tour
Side Thirteen
- Those Fabulous Sixties
- Profiles in Chrome
- Teenyrap/Phono Phunnies/Pigeons/Suport Your Locol Polece
- Pull the Tregros/Teenyrap/ng Asi/Phono Phunnies
- Concert in Bangla Desh
Carved into the vinyl: Nothing
Inserts: Order form for National Lampoon Magazine
Record List