Anna Russell
The Anna Russell Album?
Record I - Side One
- Coloratura aria: Canto dolciamente pipo from the opera "La Cantatrice
- British - pure but dull: I Love the Spring
- Russian folk song: Da, Nyet, Da, Nyet
- For loud singers with no brains: Ah, Lover! from the operetta "The Prince
of Philadelphia"
Side Two
- For singers with tremendous artistry but no voice: Schlumpf; Je n'ai pas
la plume de ma tante
- Contemporary music for tone-deaf singers: My Heart Is Red
- For the untrained singer: I Gave My Love a Cherry
- For the dramatic soprano: Schreechenrauf
Record II - Side One
- "The Ring of the Nibelungs" (An Analysis)
Side Two
- Introduction to the Concert (By Women's Club President)
- How to Write Your Own Gilbert and Sullivan Opera
Carved into the vinyl: Nothing
Record List