Peter Sellers
Sellers Market
Side One: The Musical Scene
- Night and Day
- The All-England George Formby Finals featuring:
- The Chinese Laundry Blues
- My Grandad's Flannelette Nightshirt
- Guarding the Home of the Home Guard
- Hold Tight, Keep Your Seats, Please
- They're Parking Camels Where the Taxis Used to Be
- Gefrunk
- Singin' in the Rain
- The Eaton Square Blues (For musicians only)
- Peter Sellers Sings Rudolph Friml Featuring:- Only a Rose
Side Two: The Cultural Scene
- The Compleat Guide to Accents of the British Isles featuring: Don't Cry
for Me, Argentina
- The Whispering Giant
Carved into the vinyl: Nothing
Record List