Uncle Lar' and Li'l Tommy
Animal Stories
Side One
- Wimpy Pekingese/Constipated Chinchillas
- Fried Parrot
- The Attack Dog
- Panda Romance
- Surfer vs. Shark
- Ft. Wayne Woodchucks
- Contented Linda Grace
- Camel's Nose
- Killer Hornets
- Police Horse
- Toy Poodle
- Egg Suckin' Dog
- Cow Plops
- Great Dane
Side Two
- Dog on the Dashboard
- Wild Hog
- Snorting Frogs
- Donkey Droppings/Frozen Turkey
- Dairy Cows
- Martina's Dog
- Earthquake Pig
- Sacrificial Pigs/Killer Groundhog
- Heroic Hen
- The Schnoodle
- The Sewer Rat
- Mice in Home Ec
- Mike the Headless Rooster
Carved into the vinyl: Nothing
Record List