Monty Python
Instant Record Collection
The pick of the best of some recently repeated Python hits
again, Vol. II
Side One
- The Executive Intro
- Pet Shop
- Nudge Nudge
- Live Broadcast From London - Premiere of Film
- Bring Out Your Dead
- How Do You Tell a Witch
- Camelot
- Argument Clinic
- Crunchy Frog
- The Cheese Shop
- The Phone-In
- Sit on My Face
Side Two
- Another Executive Announcement
- Bishop on the Landing
- Elephantoplasty
- The Lumberjack Song
- Bookshop
- Blackmail
- Farewell to John Denver
- World Forum
- String
- Wide World of Novel Writing
- Death of Mary Queen of Scots
- Never Be Rude to an Arab
Tape List