*Special thanks to Father Bob Giuntini who sold me his lovingly assembled collection of three decades and whose records will start appearing on this page as soon as they are duly sorted and cataloged. He and I shared a great chat about recorded comedy and I'm privileged to have met such a fan of laughter and lightheartedness.
Click here for the new record list format (this list is still in progress)
on this page?
Page | Last Updated | Comments |
CD's | July 22, 2001 | Cd's aren't my area of expertise, thus I have fewer of them. |
8-Tracks | November 9, 1999 | Getting harder to find! |
45's | April 16, 2003 | A few comedy routines are only available on 45, most of these appear on albums. |
Records A-D | October 6, 2006 | I've split the list into three parts to accomodate its size. |
Records E-M | October 6, 2006 | New middle part. |
Records N-Z | January 21, 2006 | Been a while, I know. Expect more updates this year. |
78's | September 14, 2000 | Just came across a huge batch - watch for updates. |
Tapes | March 4, 2001 | Usually I'd rather have a record, but some albums are only available as tapes. |
For Sale | July 23, 2003 | Acquisitions from a recent show. |
Photo Gallery | August 24, 2002 | I will try to post some covers of interest. |
Variations | October 26, 1998 | Check out some records which appear in several flavors. |
My e-mail address is: sstortz@gmail.com - Drop me a line...Maybe I can help you find a record, or just let me know what comedy groups you like.
Crazy people to hit this page:
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Amazon Books and Music
They seem to be growing in the cd department. Also, you may find comedy price
guides here.
Dr. Demento Page
The ultimate page for Dementites and Dementoids - much is there now and much
more to be added.
Rekord King
An avid collector and expert in the field of children's records.
Goodman's Page
The official Luniverse page for Dickie Goodman information.
Nealy and 2nu
Co-producer of the 2nu cd "This Is Ponderous" contacted me and let me
know that the 2nu web site is up and running.
Korn's Web Page
Very similar to my page: a catalog of his excellent collection with a few items
included for sale.
"It's the second week of deer camp and all the guys are here..."
Where? Why, on Da Yoopers' home page, that's where!
Jon Sin of Acid Orangutan has been kind enough to provide me with copies of
their cd's including the latest - Another Fine Mess. Check out this page to
order their music.