Available CDs
1) The Brass Serpent
![The Brass Serpent](brass.jpg) |
- Postmodernity
- The Brass Serpent
- Olivet
- The Grace of God
2) An Other Life
- An Other Life (Michael Tenenbaum) - 16:36
- An Other Day
- Dust You Are
- Your Calling
- I Look Out
- No Other Life
- Mary (Michael Tenenbaum, Steve Stortz) - 6:41
- Hold Me (Michael Tenenbaum, Steve Stortz, Doug Meadows) - 11:02
- Journal (Michael Tenenbaum, Eric Naylor, Manny DiMello) - 22:41
- The High Call of God
- Dance of Days
- The Visceral Melee
- Weight of Glory
- The Beatific Vision
- Mystery
- Sands
- Insufficient Gratitude
This album is available at the follwing
3) CPR Volume 1
![CPR Vol. 1 cover](cpr_front_160.jpg)
Limited edition of 1000 of this compilation
album. The price is $16 + $1.50 shipping. For
a list of the participating artists, including NEAL
To purchase from Akacia using
Paypal, click the buy now button. Or, send check or money
order to Stephen Stortz at the address below (scroll down).
4) An Other Life (Original Pressing)
![First Pressing](akacia_small.jpg)
- The last few copies of our original first pressing can be had at CD Baby or by sending:
check or money order,
($7 plus $1.50 shipping per cd) payable to: Stephen Stortz
- Your address
- A note indicating that you want Akacia's
An Other
Life cd (1st pressing)
The address is: Stephen Stortz 170 Centre St. Milton, MA 02186